| Workplace Today® publishes articles written by and interviews with contributors who are leading experts in workplace-related fields, such as human resources, consulting, business, management, training, and law. This list is just a sampling of professionals who have contributed their expertise to the articles in our vast library. If you would like to join our growing list of expert contributors, please click here to obtain our expert contributors' guidelines.
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 | Sgt. Keith Allen Commercial Fraud & Securities, Royal Canadian Mounted Police |  | Judith Andrew Director of Provincial Policy, Cdn. Fed. of Independent Business |  | Prof. Moshen Anvari Dean Commerce & Admin. Faculty, Concordia University |  | Prof. Blake Ashforth Department of Management, Concordia University |  | Donna Balkan Chief of External Relations, Canadian Human Rights Commission |  | Michael Ballard Vice President, Security Canadian Bankers Association |  | Peter Becke Vice President H.R. (Technology), Northern Telecom Ltd. |  | Brian Belanger Vice Chairman, DPM Financial Planning Group |  | Prof. Colin Bennett Dept. of Political Science, University of Victoria |  | Prof. Philip Berger Family & Community Medicine, University of Toronto |  | Prof. Michel Bergier Department of Marketing, Concordia University |  | Gisele Boivin Director of Human Resources, Rolls-Royce Canada |  | Melana Borovich Manager Consulting Services, Royal Bank |  | Johanne Brauchaud Director of Human Resources, Rolls-Royce Canada |  | Irene Burckert Manager, Sales Training Jostens Canada Ltd. |  | Gary Burkett Vice President, Human Resources, Bell Canada |  | Wayne Burns President, Bernard Hodes Advertising |  | Leonore Burton Executive Director, Cdn. Labour Force Development Board |  | Caroline Campeau Manager, Sony of Canada Ltd. |  | Jim Carlisle Partner, People Effectiveness, Ernst & Young |  | Amynah Charania Recruiting Co-ord., Career & Placement McGill University |  | Marie Charbonneau Human Resources Manager, IBM Canada Ltee. |  | Benoit Chasse Director of Human Resources, Spar Aerospace |  | Kathleen Christie National Director of Human Resources, Deloitte & Touche |  | Richard Clague Director, Organizational Change, Hay Management Consultants |  | Paul Cote VIA Rail Canada Inc. |  | Catherine Cottingham Director, Student Employment Centre, Dalhousie University |  | Nicole Couture-Simard Manager, Corporate Communications Air Canada |  | Bill Cowperthwaite Vice President Human Resources, Systems Group Ltd. |  | Brian Crockatt President, IFR Investigative Research Inc. |  | John Cross Vice President of Human Resources, Hewlett-Packard Canada |  | John Cullen Recruiting Coordinator, University of Waterloo |  | Michael Cuma Director of Human Resources, Bristol Aerospace | |
 | Louise Currier Vice President, DBM Ottawa |  | Prof. Ali Dastmalchian Dean, Faculty of Management, University of Lethbridge |  | Sally Davenport Media Relations, Federal Express |  | Nicolette de Smit Social Worker, Batshaw Youth & Family Centers |  | Michael Deck Principal, Ethics & Integrity Services, KPMG |  | Gary Deehan Human Resources Manager, Dow Chemical |  | Sylvia Deliencourt Coordinator, Options Project One Voice, The Canadian Seniors Network |  | Susan Desjardins Assistant Vice President, Human Resources, Nortel Technology |  | Dale Doreen Director of Int'l Aviation, MBA Program Concordia University |  | Randy Dutka National Director, Human Resources, KPMG |  | Pearl Eliadis Director, Public Policy, Ontario Human Rights Commission |  | Prof. Martin Evans Faculty of Management, University of Toronto |  | Doug Ferguson Public Relations, 3M Canada Inc. |  | David Foot Economist, University of Toronto |  | Lyne Fortin Director Public Affairs, Merck Frosst Canada Inc. |  | Colin Gaetz V.P., Human Resources, Royal Bank of Canada |  | Dr. Monique Frize NSERC/Nortel Joint Chair, Carleton University |  | Ahmed Galipeau Director of Public Relations, Bombardier Aerospace |  | Gerd Galler Spokesperson, Canadian Standards Association |  | Lucy Gamboni Spokesperson, Vancouver School Board |  | Richard Garlick Director of Communications, Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse |  | Mark Geiger LL.B. Lawyer, Employment & Labour, Blaney, McMurtry, Stapells, Friedman |  | Greg Gibson Spokesman, General Motors |  | Sharon Glover Sr. Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Canadian Chamber of Commerce |  | Michael Goldbloom President & Publisher, The Montreal Gazette |  | Ned Goodman President & CEO, Goodman & Co. |  | Stephen Goodman Partner, SAP Practice, KPMG | 
| Mel Graham Communications Officer, Council of Canadians with Disabilities |  | Dr. Mary Jane Grant Richard Ivey School of Business |  | Dr. Rebecca Grant Faculty of Business, University of Victoria |  | Prof. Carole Groleau Communications, University of Ottawa |  | Joyce Groote President, Industrial Biotech. Assoc. of Canada | | |
 | Michael Godkewitsch, PhD Organizational/workplace psychologist, LSM Consulting |  | Prof. Hugh Gunz Assoc. Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Toronto |  | Neena Gupta LL.B. Lawyer, Goodman & Carr |  | Dr. Robert Haccoun Department of Psychology, University of Montreal |  | David Hamilton President & CEO, Bradson Mercantile Inc. |  | Andrea Hampton Senior Human Resource Consultant, Canada Life Assurance Co. |  | Donna Hardy Cox Director, Student Development, Memorial University of Newfoundland |  | Greg Heywood GREYELL MACPHAIL Labour & Employment Lawyers |  | Keith Hobbs Media Relations, Public Service Commission of Canada |  | Claude Horlick Director of Staff Relations, Memorial University of Newfoundland |  | John Hucker Secretary-General, Canadian Human Rights Commission |  | Dr. Sandro Iannicca, Ph.D. Senior Principal, Hay Management Consultants |  | Mark Jackson Director, H.R. Planning & Development, The Hay Group |  | Paul Jacobs LL.B. Senior Partner, Elkind, Lipton & Jacobs |  | Abolhassan Javilvand Chairman, Department of Finance, Concordia University |  | Prof. Corinne Jette Engineering & Computer Science, Concordia University |  | Prof. Gary Johns Department of Management, Concordia University |  | John Johnston Principal, HR Technology, Ernst & Young |  | Gwyn Jones Clinical Director, Warren Sheppel Consultants Corp. |  | Terry Kirkman Senior Public Affairs Adviser, Royal Bank of Canada |  | Joachim Knauf Economist, Human Resources Development Canada |  | Dr. Bryan Knight Psychotherapist, The Vantage Institute |  | Pierre Lachance Director of Media Relations, Canadian Pulp & Paper Association |  | Charles Lee Director, Human Resources, MacLean Hunter Publishing Ltd. |  | Eugene Oscapella Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner |  | Richard Savard Manager of Human Resources, Bank of Montreal |  | Johanne Totta Senior Vice President (Strategy & HR), Bank of Montreal |  | Moira Veenis Manager, Placement Services, Bradson Mercantile Inc. |  | Norm Wentworth National Manager, Administration, Toyota Canada Inc. |  | Garth Whyte Executive Director, National Affairs, Canadian Fed. of Independent Business |  | Rick Winston Media Relations Director, Sunlife Assurance Co. of Canada |  | Karen Zukas Manager, Public Affairs, WCB, B.C., Prevention spanision | | |