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Guidelines for Expert Contributors to IPM Associations Members Quarterly Newsletters

IPM Associations Members Quarterly Newsletter is a national print and online publication covering workplace trends and issues for Canadian managers, human resources professionals, senior administrators and executives. It is published by the Institute of Professional Management (IPM).

Print distribution is 10,000 copies per issue across Canada published four times per year. The Newsletter is also available online at The website averages over 1.2 Million hits per month.

IPM Associations Members Quarterly publishes articles written by contributors who are experts in workplace-related areas. As such, we welcome submissions from expert contributors in many fields.

Do you qualify to submit articles for publication?

You may submit articles for consideration if:

  • You are a professional with expertise in a workplace-related field such as management, human resources, training, assessments, employment and labour law, organizational psychology, performance management, communications, workplace wellness and leadership among others.

  • The material must be insightful, contemporary and provide readers with practical plans, strategies and processes that they can implement in their workplace.

  • The exclusive articles you submit for consideration to be published in IPM Associations Members Quarterly or other IPM publications have NOT been submitted or published in any other HR or management industry publication, newsletter, website or blog.

What are the conditions of publication?
  • You agree to provide the articles for free. In exchange, we will include your email address in the article byline and send you one free copy of the issue in which your article appears. Upon request, we will provide you with a PDF file of your article for your free use on your Web site as per our Reprint Permission policy.

  • We reserve the right to edit text for items such as length, clarity, spelling and style.

  • We may publish the article in the IPM Associations Quarterly Newsletter, Workplace Today® online journal or the website.

  • You retain copyright as the author and are free to give or sell the article to other publications after they have appeared in IPM's publications.

How do you submit articles for consideration?
  • Please review recent back issues of the Members Quarterly newsletter on our website at This will give you a feel for the types of articles we use. Please don't duplicate an article we already have published, although you may cover the topic from a different angle or update it with new information.

  • Email Nathaly Pinchuk at Please provide a brief bio, your preferred topics and a short outline of the articles you would like to submit. We will work with you to ensure that the topic and angle has not been used recently.

What should you keep in mind when writing articles?
  • We publish two types of articles: Features and Ask the Expert articles. Feature articles should be 650 to 800 words in length. Ask the Expert (Question and Answer) articles should be 550 to 700 words including the headline and byline.

  • Write in a standard narrative text without bold, italics or underlining. Do not include any graphics, charts or numbered bullets. Avoid using headers, footers or footnotes. If quoting a source, include this within the text of the sentence/paragraph.

  • We do not publish advertorials. Our expert contributors write on topics of relevance to the workplace from their expertise. We will delete any references in the article to your company and the services it provides (except in the byline).

  • We do print photos of contributors if space permits, so please send yours along as a .JPG attachment to the file with your article submission. We request colour or black and white passport format head shots.

  • The article itself is to be saved as a simple WORD document (.doc file). The only attachment to be added is the JPG file of your photo. Please include all your contact information in the message box of the email itself. Email this to when done.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon!


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