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Recognizing Members Who Make the Difference

Most professional associations today are experiencing some level of difficulty recruiting volunteers. National associations such as IPM have a core staff in their head office and regional or local chapters across the country run by groups of volunteers. In the “boom years”, most regional board rosters were full of energetic, eager volunteers ready to assist. We even had sub-committees that had a waiting list to get in.

Nathaly Pinchuk
Executive Director
Times have changed. With the present economic climate, organizations are doing more with less. As HR and management professionals, our workloads have substantially increased. No longer do we see regional executive boards filled to capacity, yet regional volunteer teams are the key ingredient to the success of any chapter.

We at IPM are fortunate to have a group of fifteen senior volunteer members across Canada. These “ambassadors” make the difference. They are committed, dedicated and work diligently to help plan the best professional development in their region, having spent no more than four hours on IPM matters monthly. There is satisfaction in seeing their efforts come to fruition and it goes well beyond receiving recertification points in other programs. They get our vote for IPM Associations Members of the Year!

IPM Associations have five active chapters at present. Three chapters (Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver) include two of the largest in Canada and have one-person executive boards.

Linda Kellett, Director HR for BDO Dunwoody LLP in Toronto, Barbara Andrews-Hryniw, RPR, Client Services Supervisor, HR with the City of Calgary and Cindy Ziobrowski, RPR, Director, Human Capital Operations for Meyers Norris Penny in Vancouver handle most chapter related matters on their own. Though they have additional support from IPM National Office, they are responsible for chapters with hundreds of members in their area.

The Maritime chapter based out of Halifax has four dedicated volunteers: Brandi Babando, RPR, HR Manager for DownEast Communications, Carol-Anne Axford, RPR, Manager, HR Consulting for Nova Scotia Community College, Deborah Moore, RPR, CMP, Management Recruitment Consultant for Bell Aliant and Linda Shay, RPT,
Research & Technical Development Consultant for Halifax Regional Municipality.

The Ottawa/Eastern Ontario chapter has two dedicated volunteers: Jaime Moore, Senior HR Advisor for the Canadian Commercial Corporation and Eileen Bond, CMP, Office Manager for Extendicare.

Our largest team is in Edmonton with five devoted volunteers: Jane McDonald, RPR, and CMP, Human Resources Manager with CGI Information Systems and Management Consultants Inc., Mary Ann McCann, RPR, CMP
Recruitment Manager for Municipal Solutions, Terry Young, CMP, Project Manager with ATI Telecom International, John Van Domselaar, CMP, Service Manager, Construction, TELUS-CSD Alberta and Russell Wintersgill, CMP, Director, Distribution Operations for AltaGas Utilities Inc.

Last but not least, we acknowledge Kate Moore, HR Generalist with the National Research Council in Ottawa, who serves as our longstanding IPM Associations Members Quarterly Editor.

These fifteen people have served on the National Board for a number of years and deserve to be recognized among their peers for their outstanding contribution and efforts to the success of IPM Associations. What about succession planning? Where is everyone else? Our executive needs to grow. If you’re a member with only a couple of hours to spare per month and are interested in helping out, please contact me at

Nathaly Pinchuk, RPR, CMP Executive Director IPM- Institute of Professional Management


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