Call for New Volunteers to IPM Associations
The Spring 2012 Events series was a great success in all locations. As we gear up for summer, IPM Associations has developed new initiatives for the 2012/2013 season.
We are recruiting volunteer members who can devote an average of two hours per month to assist in existing chapters in Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, Ottawa and Toronto and invite you to consider this exciting opportunity!
You’ll ask what is involved, what are the prerequisites, the level of commitment and activity and the rewards, so we’ll give you all this in a nutshell.
The National Board of Directors has provided a detailed outline for volunteers directly on our website at www.workplace.ca. Click on “Members Section” in the left hand column and then “Volunteer for IPM Associations”.
Nathaly Pinchuk, RPR, CMP Executive Director IPM
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Prerequisites: To become a regional volunteer, you must first be a member (either Associate or Full member) of any of IPM’s four professional associations. Secondly, as you will be involved in planning events for your region, it is imperative that you have attended at least one event in your location over the past year, be it a half day workshop in Alberta or Halifax or a full day conference in Ontario. If you haven’t attended an IPM event in the past, how can you provide input on what will work in the future?
Time commitment: The average time commitment is 2 hours per month.
Activities: The regional chapters of IPM Associations play a great role in developing regional surveys for members and supporters as well as planning major events in their area.
We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting full one day conferences in five locations in Spring 2013 in Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, Ottawa and Toronto. Our members and supporters have asked for this outside of Ontario and IPM has responded, but we need additional help to plan and organize as well as spread the word in the regions.
Volunteer commitment: As the bulk of the actual legwork and coordination is handled by IPM National Office, volunteers do not have to physically meet monthly but must be available by email to provide feedback and comments on suggestions and issues within a reasonable amount of time.
The GTA (Toronto) Chapter launched a “think tank” format two years ago which has proven to be most successful. Due to the geographic spread of the members across the region, it is not feasible for the group to meet live in person on a regular ongoing basis. Members provide feedback, input and discussion through email and conference calls as required. The team only meets twice a year and meal expenses are picked up by IPM. As suggestions are made, the group communicates through email within two days so questions are answered and decisions are made more quickly than scheduling a meeting where members have to leave their offices. The group began with 10 participants and has only lost one member to retirement in two years.
This same formula can work across Canada, but not without a group of dedicated members wishing to make a contribution to the success of their regional chapters.
The collective and individual efforts and talents of volunteers contribute toward the success of IPM’s mission, which is to network and offer development opportunities through the various accreditation programs and speakers series. This will also enhance the exposure of its members and professional designations within the business community.
Volunteering in IPM’s Associations also qualifies members for recertification points with other professional associations.
We urgently need YOUR assistance to expand the existing chapters in Alberta, Maritimes (Halifax) and Ontario.
We have a few members who have expressed interest in developing chapters in other provinces, but at this point, we do not have sufficient support in any one location. If you want to help us out in the other areas, let us know and talk to your colleagues and associates. We need a minimum of six volunteer members per city to launch the chapter.
Having been with IPM Associations for several years now, I extend sincere thanks to the regional teams that have contributed to the great success of existing chapters and look forward to welcoming new faces on board.
Take the next step, email us and let us know we can count on your help to develop your regional chapter!
Nathaly Pinchuk, RPR, CMP Executive Director IPM Institute of Professional Management