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Summer 2003 Edition- June 2003 Volume 2

Workplace Today® In Print Draws to a Close
The Institute of Professional Management has ceased publishing its print publication and the last issue will arrive in your mail in June 2003. There are many reasons why this decision was made and I'd like to share a few of them with you. It wasn't an easy decision as we have been publishing it in print form for close to 20 years under different names and titles. More ...

Tax Burdens May Exist
Our Company has begun to sell its products in the US. Should we be concerned about paying taxes? More ...

Members Take Note
Kate Moore, RPR- Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corp., Ottawa
Shalini Richards, RPR, CMP-, Regional Co-Chair, Maritimes Region, Halifax
Tracey Lillis, RPR- Toombs KWA Inc., Edmonton

Protection of Privacy for Personal Information
The Halifax Chapter's meeting on February 19 featured a topic of vital interested to many of us in this age of quick and easy information exchange. Over 50 people attended this ever-popular session at the Holiday Inn Harbourview in Dartmouth. More ...

Strategic Business Connections: The Big Picture
Why should you bother to build business relation ships? How do you do it? How does one retain and build these relationships that took time and effort to acquire? Cec Hanec, Principal, Cec Hanec & Associates, joined the Winnipeg Chapter on February 26 at the Manitoba Hydro Building to provide the answers to these questions and more in a highly interactive session. More ...

Corporate Web Sites Need Special Attention
Why should you bother to build business relation ships? How do you do it? How does one retain and build these relationships that took time and effort to acquire? Cec Hanec, Principal, Cec Hanec & Associates, joined the Winnipeg Chapter on February 26 at the Manitoba Hydro Building to provide the answers to these questions and more in a highly interactive session. More ...

Are Your Employees Entrepreneurs?
The dining room at the To ronto Board of Trade was crowded with some of that city's corporate elite. I was having lunch with the Canadian president of a multinational electronics giant. As the conversation drifted towards the topic of employee motivation, he suddenly slammed his fist on the table, exclaiming, "[expletive], I just want some people with entrepreneurial spirit... is that too much to ask?" I stared at him for a moment, contemplating a reply. Then it came to me: "If they were truly entrepreneurial, why would they be working for you?" I asked. More ...

Have You Had Your Brain Food Today?
While proper diet is one of the essential elements needed to prevent sickness and disease, many people are unaware that food also has an impact on their vitality, energy, mental functions and productivity. Some of the factors that affect optimal levels of functioning are: More ...

Oops, I Didn't Mean to Say That!
So you're in the middle of an interview and the next thing you know, your candidate inadvertently brings up the subject of marital status! Candidate: "Well, you know it's hard for us to take vacation at the same time." More ...

Submissions Please
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact Kate Moore, RPR, Members Quarterly Editor at


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