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Its been Real…Its been Nice

As this will be my last editorial for the IPM Quarterly Newsletter, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your indulgence with some of my rants.

Shalini Richards
MQ Editor
Over the past 3 years IPM, and its members, has afforded me the opportunity to comment quite frankly about some of the going’s-on in the Human Resources profession. The topics have varied from technology, immigration, provincial legislation to communication. But they have all revolved around this growing and needed profession.

To my co-editor, Kate Moore, it has been a great ride and I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Remember to keep the humor in everything you do. To Karen Olmstead, who makes it all come together and look good, thank you. Finally, to Nathaly Pinchuck and Brian Pascal, you have touched my life in ways you will never know. Professionally you gave me the support and medium to expand my knowledge, personally you became my friends and colleagues whom I will value for life.

To the members of IPM and readers of the Members Quarterly, thank you for your honesty and your professionalism. You gave me the inspiration to make things happen and I hope over my years I gave voice to the thoughts some of you shared with me.

I leave you with a few parting thoughts. Remember this profession is more than following the rules and regulations. It’s more than the procedures and process. It’s about the lives you touch. The people you affect and the profession you promote. Be proud of what you do and those you represent. For as you have been to me, they are the reason you do what you do and the way you do it.

Best wishes, Shalini Richards


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